A multiplatform bug bounty toolkit that can be installed on Debian/Ubuntu or setup with Docker.
Github Repository: https://github.com/AlexisAhmed/BugBountyToolkit
Why should you use this toolkit?
- This toolkit offers a multiplatform base to work with as the script can be installed on Linux, set up with Docker, or installed on Windows with WSL (Windows Subsystem For Linux).
- The installer script can be customized to add or remove specific tools based on your requirements.
- Tools are constantly being added, updated, and fixed.
- Pull once. Update as needed.
Docker Pull & Run Instructions
Docker Hub Link: https://hub.docker.com/r/hackersploit/bugbountytoolkit
Docker Build Instructions
Installation Instructions – Ubuntu/Debian
Running Multiple Sessions
You can run multiple sessions/tools on the same container by utilizing the exec command. You can use the exec command to deploy more than one session for each container. This can be done by running the following command for every new session:
Running multiple sessions with Tmux
tmux is a terminal multiplexer for Unix-like operating systems. It allows multiple terminal sessions to be accessed simultaneously in a single window. It is useful for running more than one command-line program at the same time.
Installed Tools
- altdns
- amass
- bucket_finder
- CloudFlair
- commix
- dirb
- dirsearch
- dnsenum
- dnsrecon
- dotdotpwn
- fierce
- gobuster
- joomscan
- Knockpy
- masscan
- massdns
- Nikto
- Nmap
- Recon-ng
- s3recon
- sqlmap
- subfinder
- Sublist3r
- teh_s3_bucketeers
- thc-hydra
- theHarvester
- tmux
- virtual-host-discovery
- wafw00f
- wfuzz
- whatweb
- wpscan
- XSStrike
- zsh
- SecLists
Tools being added
- aquatone
- AWSBucketDump
- CommonSpeak
- gitrob
- Lazys3
- Sn1per
- unfurl